In The Name of Allah, the Magnificent, the Merciful




[Presenting the Perfect Role Model of a Da’ee Ilallah for the Muslim youth of modern age –In Reference to Verses 36 to 42




1.  It was revealed to Rasulullah (S) in the last period of his (S) Makkan life when the Quraish were conspiring either to kill him or put him in captivity or banish him in order to get rid of him (S).


2.  In the midst of these conspiracies, on the instigation of the Jews, the idolaters of Makkah put the question to Rasulullah (S) to test his (S) Prophethood: “What was the reason that made Bani Israel to migrate to Egypt?” They were expecting he (S) will not be able to answer it as this story was not known to Arabs. It will expose his (S) Prophethood.


In response not only Allah (SWT) revealed the entire story of Bani Israel’s migration Egypt to Rasulullah (S) but applied it completely to the situation in which he (S) and Quraish were passing through.


Central Theme of the Surah:


3. In the struggle of Haq [truth] and Batil [untruth] the ultimate success will always be of the Messenger (S) and his beloved companions or his followers howsoever Batil may look massive, aggressive and powerful. This is the tradition of Allah for all times to come.  


However, Haq, to succeed in this struggle, has to encounter and go through various trials and tribulations in different forms and shapes which are inevitable for the test of Iman of the followers of Haq: whether it is reliable, trustworthy and truthful or false. It comes from Allah (SWT) to polish the character of the Mumin. [Ref: Verse # 2 & 3 of Al-Ankabut and Verse # 155 of Al-Baqarah]


4.  The Qur’an presents the stories of Prophets and their struggle with their respective people somewhere in detail and somewhere in brief. The previous Surah   HUD stands as a testimony. In this common struggle the Messengers and their followers were saved by Allah but the people who opposed them were annihilated totally. The story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) is presented in this Surah separately and Allah calls it the “Ahsanal Qasas” – the best of the stories, the story that is completely applicable to the on-going developing situation of Rasulullah (S) at Makkah.


5.  One should keep the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in front of him/her and go on comparing it with developing story of Rasulullah (S):     


* Treatment of Yusuf (AS) by his brothers with treatment of Quraish with Rasulullah (S)


* His brother’s conspiracy to kill him or throw him in a blind well with the conspiracy of Quraish against Rasulullah (S) as stated above.


* The circumstances under which he was taken out of the well, sold as a slave and thereby reaching the citadel of the power of time with the situation Rasulullah (S) has to migrate form Makkah, hiding three days in the “Cave of Thure” and ultimately reaching Madinah where he (S) attained all success – power, fame, love and total devotion from his (S) beloved companions (RA).   


* At the height of power in Egypt, his brothers were begging mercy and pardon from him when they came to know that he is their own brother. See what Yusuf (AS) said to his brothers: “Latasreeba Alaikumul Youm” [Have no fear this day! May Allah forgive you and He is the most Merciful”]


* Now compare it with the situation with Rasulullah (S) after the conquest of Makkah in the eight year of Hijra when the Quraish were standing before him (S) as vanquished, he (S) asked them, “What treatment you expect from me?” They replied, “You are a gentle brother and the son of a gentle parents.” Rasulullah (S) forgetting all their torture and Zulm [oppression] of the past told, “I will say the same that my brother Yusuf (AS) said to his brothers: “Latasreeba Alaikumul Yum. Izhabu Antumul Tulaqua” [Have no fear this day, you all go. You are among those who are set free].


*What a great magnanimity was shown both by Yusuf (AS) and Rasulullah (S) to their respective arch enemies at the time when they were in complete control of the situation to take revenge of their behavior. Both pardoned their enemies. This is teaching of Islam to forgive and forget.


6. The end result was visible to those who asked the question to Rasulullah that if they don’t correct their anti-Islam position, they are destined to meet the same fate.


7. The Character of Prophet Yusuf (AS) presents a model to the youth of our time. Our children must take inspiration from it and should make every effort to set its model in the context of modern “free-for all” society.


8. It sets a magnificent example of “Wal-A’feena Uninnass” [forgiving to mankind - Al-Imran: 3:134], constituting a very important characteristic of a Mumin and Da’ee Ilallah.


9. This Surah presents the perfect role model of a Da’ee Ilallah. It is for all of us to follow. Prophet Yusuf (AS) conquered a nation just by dint of his character all alone. Only such Da’ees can play the same role in winning over the hearts and minds of the people of the land in twenty first century.


10.  A Da’ee is never found absent form the mission of his life. When the urge towards Dawah Ilallah is totally alive in one’s heart and mind, he/she never lets go any chance to present his Dawah unused. See: two persons come to Yusuf (ASA) asking the interpretation of their dream. They were in distress and were eager to understand their dream. He assured them that they will have it but listen first who I am? He introduced himself as the progeny of Abraham and Jacob (AS) and used that opportunity to present the concept of Tawheed with all its application and implication in a very precise and concise form.


11.  But in his effort of Dawah Ilallah he was equally conscious to present it with “wisdom and fair exhortation” [Hikmah & Mauezatul Hasna – Ref:  Al-Nahal 16: 125] 


12. It is always better to initiate Dawah talks with some common denomination as Yusuf (AS) addressed them as: “O Comrade of the prison”. It brings the Da’ee and the addressee at par without any distinction.


13.  Dawah efforts succeed when the addressees have trust in the Seera and character of the Da’ee. They were calling him: “Inni Naraka minal Muhseneen” as Rasulullah (S) was already recognized by the Arabs as: “Amin and Sadiq”.


14.  This Surah is the documented prove confirming the Prophethood of Rasulullah (S) as the Mushrekeen planned to test. It showed that he (S) was not presenting any thing as hearsay but through Wahid directly coming from Allah (SWT).


15. This story categorically confirms that the Deen which Rasulullah (SA) is presenting is the same as was presented by Abraham, Jacob and Yusuf (AS). The central focus of Dawah or the fundamentals of Deen of all the Prophets of Allah was the same: Tawheed, Akhirah and Risala. 


16. This story categorically confirms: What Allah wants to do, He accomplishes it under each and every circumstance. None can stop it from happening. “Allahu Ghalibu ala Amrehi” [Allah is dominant in His will to prevail – Ref: Yusuf 12: 21]


17. It sets a perfect example of Tawakkal Ala-Allah – total dependence upon Allah.  Using honest means for rightful purposes is not against Tawakkal Alallah {TA}.  It would be against TA if a man surrenders to situation with dejection and uses dishonest means.


18. When Allah wants something to be accomplished, He creates the situation and means towards it fulfillment. See the dream of the King and how it paved the situation for Yusuf (AS) to reach the tentacles of power.  The dream of Rasulullah (S): He (S) is performing Umrah that paved the way to the conquest of Makkah.


19. The human being carries the substance of both right and wrong in his/her gene. It is man that either purifies himself/herself or succumbs to evil designs of his Nafs. {Ref: Al-Shamsh 8 -10]


20. Situation howsoever may be difficult and unbearable man must stand by truth under all circumstances as the ultimate success will embrace him/her at the end.


21. The one who remains steadfast with “Taqwah and Sabr”, his or her good deeds are not wasted.  He/she is counted amongst the Muhseneen [Ref: Verse # 90 of Surah Yusuf] A Da’ee who is Allah conscious and steadfast in his struggle for the Iqamah of Allah’s Deen he/she attains the glorious success in life that loves most. They are included in the most coveted distinction of “Muhseneen” with Allah (SWT).


May Allah include is in that distinguished list of Da’ees with whom You are pleased and they are pleased with You!  Amen!



Shamim Siddiqi                                                                                         

March 25, 2009